martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011

Detección de drogas y explosivos

Detección de drogas y explosivos usando Microextracción planar en fase sólida y espectrometría de movilidad de iones.

Está disponible la información de un taller relacionado con el tema, auspiciado por el Instituto
Nacional de Justicia de Estados Unidos

At the completion of the Field Detection of Drugs and Explosive Odor Signatures Using Planar Solid Phase Microextraction Ion Mobility Spectrometry Technology Transition Workshop, the participant will have acquired the knowledge to:
  • Understand the theory of and practice for vapor sampling of explosives and drugs
  • Utilize the PSPME devices to sample the air in an area suspected of containing contraband in both the static and dynamic (vacuum sampling) modes and by swabbing surfaces
  • Couple the PSPME to explosive trace detectors (ETDs) on Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) and Differential Mobility Spectrometry (DMS) instruments to collect data from PSPME-IMS systems
  • Evaluate the use of PSPME-IMS and PSPME-DMS for drug and explosives detection in various scenarios (headspace sampling of closed spaces such as inside a vehicle, headspace sampling of open air systems and particle sampling)
  • Understand the maintenance and proper use of the PSPME devices